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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Immigrated to Australia from the UK in '73

Reg and Hazel immigrated to Australia in March 1973 with our 3 children, Steven, Laurie and Samantha. We moved from Dane End, Hertfordshire to Brisbane, Queensland.

We decided on creating a website for ourselves so that our relatives in the UK could keep up-to-date on what is happening on the other side of the world.

We will keep adding to the site as things happen of any consequence. If you want to chat and we are online, click on the Skype button.


Blogger Steve said...

Ooh! Another blog to add to my links.

10:18 pm, November 07, 2006  
Blogger Steve said...

So that's what I look like without a beard.

12:27 pm, November 14, 2006  

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