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Friday, November 23, 2007

One in a million.

The gentleman above is Don, he featured in a program last night called RPA. If you are Australian you will know it is about people for one reason or another have been patients of the RPA hospital. This gentleman suffered from from a rare medical condition that goes by the name of Insulinoma. This is caused by a tumour on the pancreas, and it is life threatening as Don found out. My wife had this condition, it started in December of '91 and we went through a very stressful year of fits and blackouts not knowing what was wrong. Our doctor sent Hazel to see a specialist in Brisbane who at the time insisted Hazel had developed epilepsy, and who at one time became rather irate when we questioned the epilepsy angle. After having one very bad turn in October of '92 I had to take her to Ipswich hospital, she was not going to come out of the fit that she was in. After about 2 weeks in Ipswich she was sent to the PA hospital for further tests. The outcome was a surgeon by the name of doctor Hartley did an exploratory operation on Hazel, he found what he had suspected, an Insulinoma the size of a pea. I have never seen anyone come out of an operation instantly cured. Apparently people with this condition are one in a million. I have been telling Hazel this ever since we have been married.


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